
Mail Week 47 (3/3) - Outgoing & Incoming

Heyy! Here's the part three of this week's mail 

Today we're going to theatre to celebrate my grandparents' wedding anniversary and have a good family dinner. What are you doing today? :)

I was soo in Christmas mood when taking these pictures, that's why the background is what it is. :D And talking about Christmas, I've had a little Christmas card factory going on this weekend. I can't wait to show you the cards I've made! Have you already made/bought some Christmas cards? 

First I want to show you this envelope I sent to Tinne, Belgium  

I sent her some Finnish stamps in the exchange of some nice coins (we'll get to that later..) 

Also I've sent and received and sent again postcards.. The left one is for a Disney PC swap on Swap-bot (the first one never made it so I had to resend, ugh >_<) and the other one is for a Chaincard Project on Instagram (my card's here). It's from the U.S. (NY) and I already sent it off to Scotland. :) It's so rude that the post officers have ruined those pretty stamps with a marker!! 

I also received some really nice coins from Lily in this envelope (notice the stamp, I think those are so funny :D) 

Coins from Thailand and Malaysia 

Especially the Malaysian one (left) is soo pretty! 

Now to the coins from Tinne! If I remember right, this is the first time for me to receive something from Belgium :)

Cool old coins from the Netherlands and Belgium ↴  

Thank you all!! 

That's all from now, please stay tuned for something else next time! ;)

Mail Week 47 (2/3) - Outgoing ❄

Here's the part two of this week's mail! 

Here are two things I've sent out this week (more in the part 3 haha :D) :

First a Coin Swap to the Netherlands, I sent three Finnish euro coins  

And I also sent an Instagram swap to Gülin in Turkey (Bursa) 

I sent her a lot of different envelopes & other stationary, chewing gum, tea and some tape which you can't really see because stupid me >_< (Gülin: I had to change the glitter to a flatter one because it was a bit too thick, I hope you don't mind )

The stamps (I don't know what I was thinking when I put the left one like that haha) :) 

Ps. It's snowing also in my village now! I can't decide whether I like it or not. I like snow because it might make it look brighter and prettier outside BUT if the snow isn't going to last for long (which I'm sure it doesn't), there's gonna be slush. And a lot of it. And sleet. But let's just hope that's not gonna happen soon! :D Has it already snowed in your country/town? 

Mail Week 47 (1/3) - Incoming

As I promised, I've got a lot mail to show you! I'll post all my mail of week 47 in three parts, this is the part one! :) In this one there will be only some of the incoming mail I've received this week (still not all of it :D)...

First a pretty letter from Poland! I love it, thanks Martyna!  

(It's funny how the letter came to me even though it says only "Melissa". There's only my last name written on the mailbox , not even the number of my house. The mailman must have learned that all the pretty envelopes are for me xD)

Also I received this cutie from Germany (look at those owls! ♥) 

 Thanks, Daria!! You have no idea how much I love everything you sent! I mean, look at those stickers for example :D

Aaand also my stamp order arrived! I wanted to use some of the stamps instantly so I had to take pictures of them in the evening ---> the reason for that awful lightning >_<

These are my faves at the moment! 

I'm so excited to use these new Christmas stamps, they're so pretty and shimmery ♥ 

Stay tuned for part 2! 


Tiger = Paradise (Haul!! ♥)

First to my penpals & others who I'm swapping with: I have received a lot of mail lately, probably also yours (Don't worry, it's just me being lazy :D), and I'll show them here tomorrow. Also, I've sent some mail but it'll take longer for them to arrive because of the strikes..

My number one favorite crafting store in Finland is definitely Tiger! You always find something that you just desperately need - even though you've never before even known that the item existed. Do you guys feel me? Does that ever happen to you? You just see something and you have know idea how you've lived without it :D So obviously I'm doing a little Tiger haul now, partly because I want to and partly because there's no mail coming in a few days because of the postal strikes in Finland.

Jee, välillä taas kirjoittelua suomeksikin! :) 
Eli Tiger on oikeasti mun ehdoton lemppari kaikista Suomen askartelu- ja tilpehöörikaupoista. Jotenkin mä satun aina löytämään sieltä asioita, joita en ennen edes tiennyt tarvitsevani.. :D Käykö teille koskaan niin? Kuitenkin, ajattelin nyt kirjoittaa pienen postauksen löydöistäni! Nyt kun ei postikaan oikein kulje, on kiva kirjoitella muista jutuista.

Also one thing that makes me love Tiger more is how the packages have those funny little texts on them, such as "Did you know that the average person spends 2 weeks of his/her life waiting for a traffic light to change?" or "A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to." -Gandalf the Grey.  

Mä tykkään myös tosi paljon noista hauskoista pikku teksteistä pakettien ja pakkausten päällä, kuten "Did you know that the average person spends 2 weeks of his/her life waiting for a traffic light to change?" tai "A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to." -Gandalf the Grey. :)

I might also like these cute shopping bags, just a bit ;) 

Address labels 1(parchment paper) envelopes 2€  ✿  Etiketit, joista ainakin osaa ajattelin käyttää osoitteiden kirjoittamiseen (1€) ja ihanat pergamenttipaperiset kirjekuoret 2 

One of the impulse purchases, a DIY jigsaw puzzle (1€) . I have some potential using ideas for it, let's see which one I'll do :D    Palapeli, jonka voi itse koristella (1 ). Mulla on muutamia ideoita, mitä tekisin sillä, mutta katsotaan nyt milloin saan inspiraation toteuttaa jonkun ideoistani :D

These tapes aren't from Tiger, I think I found them from Suomalainen Kirjakauppa (Finnish bookstore). They were something around 3€    Nämä nätit teipit taisin löytää Suomalaisesta Kirjakaupasta! Oli pakko ottaa, kun maksoivat vain 3€ ^^

And last but not least, small heart stickers (0.5 €) and tiny flags that I got for 2€ Pieniä sydäntarroja, joilla on kyllä aina käyttöä ja suomenlippuja. Tarrat maksoivat 50 senttiä ja liput 2

Surprisingly, I didn't buy that much! :D But those were my latest purchasings anyway, I hope you liked them as much as I do haha ^^ See you again tomorrow! Ihme kyllä, en loppujen lopuksi ostanutkaan niin paljoa kuin yleensä! Toivottavasti kuitenkin tykkäsitte tästä lyhyestä esittelystä :) Huomenna siis taas palaillaan!


Mail, mail, mail..

First of all: It's been a very dreary day which means crappy light, I'm sorry about that. :/

Anyway, here are two things to show you from last week. Mail is traveling soooo slowly these days because of the postal strikes :c I have a lot of mail traveling either to or from (or in, too) Finland and it's taking so long..

This postcard is for the first chain card project that I've ever joined and I'm so excited! The path will be Finland - Scotland - Hong Kong- USA - Finland :)

And here is a letter I received from Chloe, Hong Kong ^^

I love the writing paper!!! :) Thank you!

Oh, and last weekend I was at the Finnish Handicrafts 2015 Fair (Käsityömessut Tampereella) and I thought of making a short post about that as well when I have time. :)


My Sticker Slapped PC & a Letter

Here's some more mail from a long time ago! :D

First a letter I sent to Chloe, Hong Kong:

As I said, from a LONG time ago haha. Today I received her reply xD

Oh and here's my Sticker Slapped PC that I said I'd show you as soon it would be received:

I chose "Childhood" as the theme of my postcard. :) The card went to Washington, USA.

Today was the first day of my last school period this year and I think I've finally gotten my motivation back! :) In this period I'll have only 4 courses out of six: French (I have no idea how I'm gonna keep up with all my language studies xD), philosophy and two English courses (basic class course and oral communication). I'm thinking of starting a writing course as well but I'm not sure yet :)


A small birthday package to Germany!

Hiii! I haven't had any time or motivation to send mail lately... soo here is a small parcel I sent out to Germany and which is already received! :)

My penpal had birthday and I wanted to send her a little something because she also sent me a gift when I had my birthday. Here's what I sent her:

Chocolate (I mean, seriously. :D), chewing gum, a pen, shower gel, other candies, erasers, stickers, a nail file, magnet, brochures... It was really nice to put those together! And my penpal also seemed to like them which is of course the whole point :) 

Unfortunately I certainly had no time to take a picture of the package itself (as I was literally running to the post office after school haha) but I decorated it with light green Moomin gift wrapping paper. :D


Sticker Slapped PC and Stamps from Lithuania

Hi! How are you? I'd love to hear more from you guys. :)

Ja suomeksikin tietty! Oon nykyään kirjoittanut postauksia lähes poikkeuksetta vain englanniksi, koska oon ajatellut, että sitä lähes kaikki taitaa ymmärtää. Olisi kuitenkin kiva kuulla teidän suomalaisten lukijoiden näkökulmasta, että tykkäisittekö lukea postauksia myös suomeksi vai onko englanti okei. Ja muutenkin olisi kiva kuulla, mitä teille kuuluu. Niin, ja aina voi tietty kommentoida suomeksi niin kuin osa on tehnyt. :) Teidän kommentteja ja kuulumisia on aina tosi piristävä lukea! ^^

Today I'm excited to show you more incoming mail! These came today, they're both swaps.
My friends (most of them) don't really seem to understand how I can be so excited about mail but I count on you guys, you know what a nice mailday is able to do for your mood. ;D

This postcard is from Tina, Mississippi. I was excited to join one of those Sticker Slapped PC swaps because they seem like a lot of fun and straight after joining I headed to make my own postcard. I think it's not received yet but I'll show you the card I sent when I know it's reached its destination. :)

I love how colorful this postcard looks:

And the yellow envelope came from Ema, Lithuania. It's from another Used Stamps swaps ^^

I have no idea why blogger wanted to rotate the picture (below). I literally uploaded it like 3738227380 times and it was fine before uploading. >__< So please don't mind (mind blogger xD). :)

Here are the stamps:

I really like especially the ones from Portugal and Czech Republic!

And here are the stamps on the postcard and envelope:

Thanks, ladies! :)


Postcards, stamps.. ♡

Hi! I hope everyone's having a great beginning of November :) I just came home from yoga and now have some time to write before going to sauna, relaxing evening I would say 

Here is some of the latest mail that I haven't posted yet! 

Postcards from Denmark (from a friend ) & Romania (PC swap) and the nice stamps:

Also one swap I sent (which is already received) to Nevada, USA. It was a 10 Used Stamps swap and here are the stamps I sent:

My partner said that she also likes foreign coins so I decided to send some old Finnish coins (penni) :)

And now to sauna, see you! 

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