
Mail before Christmas

Christmas is now over and I thought of coming here to show you some of the mail I sent and received before the holidays! :)

A little Christmas present to Daria, Germany (I loved putting these together! <3) :

A letter to Tabby, USA:

And a letter to Haruka, Japan:

See you soon with the mail sent and received after Christmas! :)

Christmas Card Project

I had a little Christmas card factory going on this year and here are the results! :)
I laminated these cards and put all the decorations inside - it was a lot of fun! I love this technique so much because you can make the cards look nice on both sides ^^ I sent these to my relatives, friends, penpals.. in Finland, Switzerland, Poland, USA, Germany... :D

Here are all the cards in one pile - ready to send!


Christmas Mail ♡


Lately I've been sooo busy with school and making Christmas cards/gifts that I haven't been sending that much mail but here's a quick update anyway! :)

Tomorrow's the last day of school this year and also I'm taking the English oral exam tomorrow which will be the last exam of this exam week and the whole year! Yey! I also started my driving school this month and the first driving lesson will be on next Monday. ^^

So here's some the mail of these few weeks:

1. A letter to Jade, California with... 2. ..a Christmas themed Mail Tag! 3. The envelope which I think is really cute ^^ 4. A beautiful letter from Tabby, California! That picture is the only one with the normal looking colours because I left from school earlier on Tuesday and was able to take the picture before the sunset (literally at 2 pm or something xD)

1. Two mails from last week (? or something, I can't remember :D): a chain card and an Instagram swap! 2. Stamps on the chain card so far :) 3. A close-up of the Instagram swap I sent to Irem, Turkey 4. A letter to Daria which has already been received some time ago because I got the reply today! :D I'll upload the picture during the weekend so you can see it! 


Mail Week #49

Happy independence day of Finland! I'm so proud of my country and proud to be a Finn. 

Here's all mail of this week!

Letters I sent to Poland and Hong Kong (the last ones that aren't Christmas and/or winter themed) :

To Chloe, HK (I wrote it already more than a week ago xD) :

And to Martyna, Poland:

Mail I received from Japan, U.S.A and China:

From Shine, China:

From Jadey, California:

From Haruka, Japan:

Thank you so much! 


Suomen Kädentaitomessut 13.–15.11.2015

Hi! This time I'll write only in Finnish. Basically the whole thing is about Finnish Handicrafts fair event where I was some time ago (I've been too lazy to post this :c). You can either just watch the pictures or watch the pics AND translate the text to your own language (button below) with crappy google translate :) 

Moikka! Tämän postaamisessa onkin kestänyt jo aika kauan.. Messuthan oli 13.11 :D Mutta siis, haluaisin vähän näyttää tunnelmia Suomen Kädentaitomessuilta Tampereelta, jossa oli tosi kivaa!

Messuilta löysin mm...

...söpöjä pöllökoruja...

...ihania Domino-koruja..

...yhden ison pöydän TÄYNNÄ minitonttuja :D...

...vielä enemmän erilaisia feikkejä herkkujen näköisiä koruja...

...ja yhden pöydällisen ihania kukkaroita ja muita pusseja! (Pöllöt!♥)

Tietenkin paras hetki oli, kun löysin Teippitarhan myyntipöydän! Se oli just sellainen paikka, että olisin voinut ostaa koko pöydän tyhjäksi, mutta onneksi en tehnyt niin :D

Washiteippejä 4 kpl / 10 €, oon ihan rakastunut noista jokaiseen! __

Ja muita teippejä 4 kpl / 1 

Ja lisäksi mukaan tarttui teippien ja monen muun lisäksi tämä pikkuruinen "pullo", johon aion laittaa sisälle yhden mulle tosi tärkeän esineen ja tehdä kaulakorun! 

Eli tosi kannattava ja inspiroiva reissu! 

Olitteko te tai oletteko joskus olleet Kädentaitomessuilla? :)


Mail Week 47 (3/3) - Outgoing & Incoming

Heyy! Here's the part three of this week's mail 

Today we're going to theatre to celebrate my grandparents' wedding anniversary and have a good family dinner. What are you doing today? :)

I was soo in Christmas mood when taking these pictures, that's why the background is what it is. :D And talking about Christmas, I've had a little Christmas card factory going on this weekend. I can't wait to show you the cards I've made! Have you already made/bought some Christmas cards? 

First I want to show you this envelope I sent to Tinne, Belgium  

I sent her some Finnish stamps in the exchange of some nice coins (we'll get to that later..) 

Also I've sent and received and sent again postcards.. The left one is for a Disney PC swap on Swap-bot (the first one never made it so I had to resend, ugh >_<) and the other one is for a Chaincard Project on Instagram (my card's here). It's from the U.S. (NY) and I already sent it off to Scotland. :) It's so rude that the post officers have ruined those pretty stamps with a marker!! 

I also received some really nice coins from Lily in this envelope (notice the stamp, I think those are so funny :D) 

Coins from Thailand and Malaysia 

Especially the Malaysian one (left) is soo pretty! 

Now to the coins from Tinne! If I remember right, this is the first time for me to receive something from Belgium :)

Cool old coins from the Netherlands and Belgium ↴  

Thank you all!! 

That's all from now, please stay tuned for something else next time! ;)

Mail Week 47 (2/3) - Outgoing ❄

Here's the part two of this week's mail! 

Here are two things I've sent out this week (more in the part 3 haha :D) :

First a Coin Swap to the Netherlands, I sent three Finnish euro coins  

And I also sent an Instagram swap to Gülin in Turkey (Bursa) 

I sent her a lot of different envelopes & other stationary, chewing gum, tea and some tape which you can't really see because stupid me >_< (Gülin: I had to change the glitter to a flatter one because it was a bit too thick, I hope you don't mind )

The stamps (I don't know what I was thinking when I put the left one like that haha) :) 

Ps. It's snowing also in my village now! I can't decide whether I like it or not. I like snow because it might make it look brighter and prettier outside BUT if the snow isn't going to last for long (which I'm sure it doesn't), there's gonna be slush. And a lot of it. And sleet. But let's just hope that's not gonna happen soon! :D Has it already snowed in your country/town? 

Mail Week 47 (1/3) - Incoming

As I promised, I've got a lot mail to show you! I'll post all my mail of week 47 in three parts, this is the part one! :) In this one there will be only some of the incoming mail I've received this week (still not all of it :D)...

First a pretty letter from Poland! I love it, thanks Martyna!  

(It's funny how the letter came to me even though it says only "Melissa". There's only my last name written on the mailbox , not even the number of my house. The mailman must have learned that all the pretty envelopes are for me xD)

Also I received this cutie from Germany (look at those owls! ♥) 

 Thanks, Daria!! You have no idea how much I love everything you sent! I mean, look at those stickers for example :D

Aaand also my stamp order arrived! I wanted to use some of the stamps instantly so I had to take pictures of them in the evening ---> the reason for that awful lightning >_<

These are my faves at the moment! 

I'm so excited to use these new Christmas stamps, they're so pretty and shimmery ♥ 

Stay tuned for part 2! 

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