
Lack of inspiration & two incoming letters


At times I find it really hard to come up with something to write here. This is one of those times. 

The school day was normal. Busy, but normal. It's only been like two weeks since I came back from Russia and I'm already feeling the biggest urge to get abroad. So nothing's changed. :D 

Only thing that has changed is that I've received these two beauties and they made me super happy!

The letter with many stamps on (I mean, look at them. How pretty!) is from my new penpal Sara from Malaysia and the other is from Shine, China. :)

The stamps on Shine's letter are also really nice:

 And the letter overall is amazing!

And so is this one from Sara!

Thanks! :)

I haven't written much lately, I've just been waiting for an inspiration.. Hopefully I'll feel like writing again very soon :D


Two Incoming Mails


Nowt that I've came back from the beautiful Saint Petersburg  (The city was truly amazing and the buildings were GORGEOUS, I need to get there again!) I can show you some mail I got before the trip! These two came on the same day:

The pretty letter above is from my new-ish penpal Suhanya from Sri Lanka. The magnet is the so cool!

And the card below is from Ukraine and you can probably tell it's a part of a chain card project, a flower themed one! :D

The card is pretty from both sides! :)

Thanks, ladies!


Love From Finland

Tiistaina koulun jälkeen iskä tuli hakemaan mua koulusta, kun piti heti ehtiä vielä kirjastoon. Aloitin lähes heti autoon päästyäni jo tutuksi tulleen sarjan kysymyksiä: Tuliko mitään postia? Sainko minä jotain? Myöntävän vastauksen jälkeen jatkan: Mitä sain? Keneltä? Millainen kirjekuori siinä on? Iskä vastasi, että kirje oli "sellainen värikäs" ja jatkoi sen olevan "luultavasti Kiinasta". Näin iskä lähes aina vastaa. :D Joten olin ihan ällikällä löyty, kun kotiin päästyäni näin kirjeen. Se ei todellakaan ollut Kiinasta, vaan täältä kotisuomesta! Ja vielä ihanan pirteän värikäs kuori! 

Nätit kirjekuoret saa mut hetkessä ihan järjettömän hyvälle tuulelle! 

Kirje oli mun ihka ensimmäiseltä suomalaiselta kirjekaverilta sitten ala-asteen, Emilialta!

Kirje oli täynnä kaikkia ihania yksityiskohtia... 

...kuten leimoja ja tosi kauniita teippejä! :)

Kiitti, Emilia!

Spread Love (incoming from Poland and outgoing to HK)

Hey! 💎

This spring is full of traveling for me and I'm not going to complain about it because traveling is what I love. But the thing is that this spring is also full of many other things that I also happen to love. :D So let's just say that this spring is going to be very busy for me and I might not be able to blog as often as usually. I'm doing my best to keep you posted!

About traveling, you might know that I was in Estonia about two weeks ago. It was really nice and I had the best time with my family. Tomorrow I'll be off to Russia with my Russian class (total four people plus two teachers xD) and I'm really looking forward to that!

I'll do my best with catching up with all the lovely mail I've got. Here are two letters from the end of February:

This pink/light purple letter I sent to Chloe, Hong Kong. I'm in love with that stationery and the matching stamp!  I also sent a page of a brochure and two mini flags:

And this little quote note (please ignore my nasty nails xD)

This one is a really nice letter I got from Martyna, Poland:

I love it, thanks


Chaincard Projects Almost Completed

Hey! For everyone who's been wondering how I look like when I get mail, here you go haha:

I was happy to find these three in my mail box yesterday after coming home from school:

They were all chain cards from the chain card projects I've been in! :)

This is my own card that I finally received!! It's flower themed and it traveled all the way from Finland to Japan, and then to Australia and Croatia from where it finally came back to Finland. I love how colorful and pretty the card turned out:

This card is from the same chain than the one I just got but mine was one step ahead :D It's also very colorful:

This one is from my very first chain card project ever. I've already got my own card back but this one is still on its way... I got it from USA:

And here are the two cards that are still continuing their travel:

I sent the cards back to the owners (to Rachel, Scotland & to Chihiro, Japan) which is a relief because both of the cards are pretty much ran out of space :D

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