
Liebster Awards

♥  Suomi English 


Nyt vihdoin sain aikaiseksi tarttua näihin kahteen Liebster Award -haasteeseen, jotka ovat minua jo jonkin aikaa odotelleet.. Toinen on suomeksi, joten vastailen nyt siihen suomeksi ja alla on toinen, joka on eglanniksi. Väleihin laitoin kaikenlaisia kuvia tältä helmikuulta. :)

I made some cookies for my friend who also just turned 18 <3


1. Kiitä tunnustuksen antanutta bloggaajaa ja laita linkki hänen blogiinsa. 
2. Vastaa sinut nimenneen bloggaajan 11 kysymykseen. 
3. Nimeä ja linkitä 11 Liebster Award -tunnustuksen saavaa blogia, joilla on alle 200 lukijaa. 
4. Keksi 11 uutta kysymystä valitsemillesi blogeille. 

Sain ensin haasteen Katrilta, kiitos! Katri haastoi minut seuraavilla kysymyksillä:

1. Suosikki askartelu-/taidetarvikkeesi?  Erilaiset koristeelliset paperit ja teipit!

2. Viimeisin tee-se-itse -projektisi? Öö.. Kelpaako leipominen? Teen jatkuvasti kaikkea itse, joten on vaikea ajatella, mikä olisi viimeisin asia, jonka olen tehnyt! Tänään tuli leivottua ihania appelsiinimuffinsseja.
3. Minkä taidon haluaisit oppia? Haluaisin oppia kirjoittamaan erilaisilla näteillä fonteilla ja olla stressaamatta turhista asioista!
4. Miten rentoudut? Luonnossa kävelemällä musiikkia kuunnellen, jos ilma on hyvä. Muuten vaikkapa hyvän kirjan ja suklaan parissa. :)
5. Mistä haaveilet? Mä oon sellainen unelmoijatyttö, liian usein pää pilvissä! :D Haveilen siis tosi monesta asiasta, kuten ulkomailla asumisesta, perheen perustamisesta, lämpimästä kesästä... Ja siitä, että jonain päivänä olisin saanut tavata tai nähdä uudestaan kaikki mun ulkomailla asuvat rakkaat!
6. Miksi aloitit blogisi? Aloitin blogin syksyllä 2012 (apua, siitä on ihan hirveästi aikaa!) muiden postiblogien innoittamana. Koko harrastus oli mulle uusi ja kiinnostava, joten ajattelin yrittää. On ilmeisesti kulunut jo about kolme ja puoli vuotta (sanokaa, jos laskin väärin.. matikka ei oo koskaan ollut mun vahvuus) ja tässä sitä vielä ollaan! :D
7. Paras kommentti, jonka olet saanut blogissasi? Eikä, en tiedä! Olen saanut monia ihania kommentteja, joten on mahdotonta valita vain yksi.
8. Paras blogipostauksesi? Tykkään itse eniten niistä postauksista, joihin olen käyttänyt paljon aikaa ja vaivaa, kuten erilaiset tutoriaalit.
9. Onko se myös luetuin postauksesi? Ei, luetuimmat postaukseni on arvontoja! xD
10. Mitä haluaisit blogissasi kehittää? Haluaisin kehittää blogiin jotain uutta ja sellaista, jota ei muista samantyylisistä blogeista löydy. Kehittely on kyllä vielä vähän vaiheessa.. :D Haluaisin myös, että blogi olisi aina ns. ajantasalla, eikä niin, että välillä menee monta viikkoa ilman postauksia.
11. Millaisia blogeja seuraat? Seuraan tietenkin paljon postiblogeja, mutta myös erilaisia leivonta- ja valokuvausblogeja. Sellaiset blogit on parhaita, joista välittyy hyvä fiilis!

Mail that I'll post soon.. ;)


Now I finally have some time to answer to these two Liebster Awards I got nominated for! I got one in Finnish so I answered the questions in Finnish (above) and one in English which I'm going to answer now! I got nominated by Katri in Finnish (link is also above) and also Liisu tagged me the Liebster Award, thanks! The pictures in this post are some random ones from this February. :)

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to his/her blog
2. Answer the 11 questions which you got from your "nominator"
3. Name and link 11 blogs that will receive the Liebster Award from you. These blogs should have under 200 followers
4. Write down 11 new questions for the bloggers you chose

The questions:

1) For how long have you been blogging? I started in the autumn of 2012. It's been so long!
2) What are your favourite sports? I'm honestly not really into sports.. I like hiking, bowling and badminton at least. :)
3) Which country would you like to visit next? Why? The next country I'm going to visit is Russia (only 6 days and I'll be there!) because I'm going there with my Russian class. But if I could pick any country, it'd be the U.S., Singapore or, well, Turkey (you guessed it xD)!
4) What are your 3 favourite books of all time? Harry Potter books! There are more than 3 of them so I guess I'll say only them.
5) Are you usually late, early or right on time? Definitely not early! It depends on the place I'm going to, but I'm either a bit late or right on time.
6) What kind of weather you like the most? Hot! Sun is all I need :D
7) If you could travel in time, would you go to future or past and why? I'd like to say I'd travel to the past because I have so many good memories I'd love to experience again but honestly I'm just happy living in this very moment.
8) Write 3 interesting places to visit in your hometown. I live in a small village, like small. But we do have a nice little cafe, a pretty walking trail and a library with an orange floor.
9) What is your favourite holiday to celebrate? Christmas!
10) What are you talented in? Making people annoyed! Haha okay maybe something else.. I guess I'm good at making time for the things I really care about and/or love doing. :)
11) What are your plans for 2016? I have a lot of plans for this year! For example some traveling trips to Rome and Wales ^^

Tallinn, Estonia

My Questions / Kysymykseni:

1. When is the last thing you did something new? What was it? / Milloin teit viimeksi jotain uutta? Mitä?

2. What is your favourite type of holiday? / Millainen on lempilomasi?
3. Name four things that make you happy. / Nimeä neljä asiaa, jotka tekevät sinut onnelliseksi.
4. How would you describe your blog using only three adjectives? / Miten kuvailisit blogiasi käyttäen vain kolmea adjektiivia?
5. What makes a perfect pizza? / Millainen on täydellinen pizza?
6. Which one of your blog posts is your favorite? Why? / Mikä postauksistasi blogisissasi on lempparisi? Miksi?
7. Have you ever lived abroad? If not, would you like to do that? / Oletko koskaan asunut ulkomailla? Jos et, haluaisitko? 
8. Do you have a lucky number? / Onko sinulla onnenumeroa?
9. Sunset or sunrise? / Auringonlasku vai auringonnousu?
10. Your favorite flower? / Lempikukkasi? 
11. Do you have a favorite movie? If yes, what is it? / Onko sulla lempielokuvaa? Jos on, niin mikä?

♥ ♥ ♥

Haastan seuraavat ihanat ihmiset (jos olet jo saanut haasteen, niin ignoraa tämä :D) / I'm going to nominate these lovely people (if you've already got nominated for this, you can just go ahead and ignore the whole thing :D) :

(not exactly 11 people.. if you're not in that list, I tag YOU as well! Please tell me if you've accepted the challenge, I'd love to read your answers and add you to that list too!)

Thanks again! :)

ps. Sorry for awkward font/text size changes, I don't know what's going on! :c


Cute Mail from Hong Kong & Switzerland

Good morning, day, afternoon or night, whichever you're having right now!

For me, it's morning. I woke up today with a lot of energy and excitement for everything that's going to happen today! :D

But here is some mail I received earlier this month:

The letter is from Chloe, Hong Kong, and the cupcake postcard is from a friend from Switzerland. I think they're both super cute!

 As soon as I saw the "Please open gently" text on the envelope, I almost didn't even want to take the picture because I just wanted to see what was inside! :D

And this is what was inside:

Turned out it was the cutest mini booklet/flipbook/letter ever! *__*

On the last page there was a small drawing by Chloe's sister which I think is really adorable! And in the picture there's also the stamp that was on the card I got from Switzerland :

Thanks! :)


Some Received & Sent Mail

The week before the "prom" week (click!) was full of mail because I wanted to send out as many letters as I could and I was also happy to receive some! 

I sent a letter to Tabby in California with some small flags, mail tag and pages of a brochure:

Also I sent this one to Sue, Sri Lanka (also with mini flags and pages of a brochure):

And this one to Martyna, Poland (Why do I think it's not necessary to write what I sent her with the letter? xD):

And before sending the letter above I got a letter from her (well, obviously :D), I really like all of it :

Oh, and the stamps on the letter I sent to California:

With those letters I finally used all my Christmas stamps :D

Now I need to go to sleep, I have to wake up early tomorrow... Bye! 

A Flipbook of Sorts


Today is the first of my winter break and I'm so excited! Are you also having a holiday now or sometime soon?

 As promised, I'll now show you some of my recent mail before I leave to Estonia tomorrow and I can't blog for awhile (again, I know.. sorry!). I'll start with this letter I sent to Jade, California:

I wanted to try something new and so I made my first flipbook ever. I'm not sure if this can be called a flipbook but anyway it's something like that. I mean, it is like a book that you can flip, right? :D

I like how it turned out and I really loved making it! Hopefully the gif is clear enough!

Lately I've been loving the idea of sending a list of songs you listened to while writing the letter so I've been sending a couple of those already. I think it makes the letter more unique and interesting :)

Also I wanted to do something different with my mail tag so I did this:

I wrapped some ribbon around the letter/flipbook and made a bow to give it the final touch:

And here's the envelope I sent her letter in:

I found this cute pink bubble wrap pocket and thought it'd make a good envelope. :)

What do you think? Have you also made flipbook(s)? :)


Wanhat 2016 ♥

Perjantaina oli vihdoinkin mun vanhojentanssit ja koko päivä oli tosi upea ja ikimuistoinen. Oltiinhan sitä jo odotettukin! Päivään kuului kaikenlaista yllättävää mekon helman repeämisestä tippuneiden kynsien epätoivoiseen keräilyyn, mutta pienet katastrofit on ihan välttämättömiä tässä elämässä. Me tanssiittiin yhteensä kolme näytöstä ja tanssiminen jatkui vielä myöhään yöhön, joten jalatkin oli hiukan koetuksilla. Mutta se ei menoa haitannut! Koko perjantai oli ihan mahtava. ♥

 Nyt mulla on ollut tosi paljon rästiin jääneiden tehtävien tekemistä, kuten tämän blogin laittamista ajantasalle (taas vaihteeksi :D). Päivittelen huomenna kaikenlaisia menneitä ja tulleita posteja, joten moikka siihen asti!

On Friday was the day I had looked forward to for the longest time and I still can't really understand it happened. Everything happened so quickly! The whole day was perfect and unforgettable. ♥ At first I thought I could explain the whole thing in my own words but then found this short but useful article on Wikipedia and, well, here it is:

"Vanhojen tanssit or Wanhojen tanssit or in Finnish (English: "ball of the (new) seniors"), de äldstes dag in Swedish (English: "day of the (new) seniors"), is a formal prom held in Finnish upper secondary schools during the second year. It is a celebration of when the second-year students (of the three-year lukio) become the seniors of the school. The prom is usually held the day after the third-year students (the seniors) stop attending school and start studying for their matriculation exams in February. The people attending the dances are called vanhat ("seniors"). Sometimes the first word is spelled with a w for a more archaic feel."
After the ball, the students attend a dinner in the evening, which is sometimes in a very formal restaurant.
If you've got any questions about that day or about other Finnish traditions, I'd love to answer! 

Now that the day is over, I've had a lot of things to do that I've left behind and one of them is finally updating this blog. I'll show you some mail tomorrow! Bye! ♥


The Letter that Traveled to Malaysia


Now that this letter is safely reached its destination, I can post it here ↴

It's to Sara, Malaysia! 
Sending letters to Malaysia hasn't been exactly my favourite thing to do because I've had so many bad experiences with that so I was (and still am) super happy to hear that everything went well! :)

And this one is another card of one of the flower themed chain card projects I'm in ↴
(I forgot to take a picture of it with the Finnish stamps I added :c)

Love you!


Incoming from Turkey, Sri Lanka, Germany, U.S.A...


I just wanted to say that I'm really happy about receiving all the nice comments from you, you're the best! :) I think I'll keep on writing mostly in English because that's the language everyone will understand (I hope!), even though I'm not perfect at it and even though many of my readers are from Finland. :D

I already posted this following picture on Instagram earlier this week and now it's time to post it here with other and more detailed pictures!

A flower themed chain card ready to continue the journey:

A pretty letter with a tea bag from Sue, Sri Lanka:

A cute letter from Tabby, California:

A really nice swap from Gülin, Turkey:

 (and also a letter from Daria.. I don't know what I was thinking when I took this picture because everything's so mixed up in here, sorry! >_<)

And here's the actual "letter" part of the letter I got from Daria, Germany:

Thank you!

I've already either sent or started writing a response to these! Can't wait to show you  what I've been crafting on :)


A Waterfall Card Letter

I'm so excited to publish this one! Ever since receiving this cool letter from a good friend of mine I've been eager to show you how I tried to do it. Creative people are just the best! ♡ I really wanted to make a waterfall card letter myself and I actually like how it turned out even though I feel I still need some practice. xD

I already showed you the envelope (here) and now that the letter has been received, I can show you the inside!

 Also, I need some gif making practice.. But however, here's the letter  as a gif :) ↴

Basically it's all about some folds that make the cards flip when pulling the string. I think it gives a cool little twist to this whole snail mail business :)

Oh, and the letter traveled to Chloe, Hong Kong! :)


Some Old Mail ♥

I'm soo behind in keeping track of my latest mail, I'm sorry! But here's some old lovelies I think I still haven't posted here :) (yup, I can't even remember what I've already posted and what not >_<)

First a letter I sent to Suhanya, Sri Lanka:

A chain card I received from Taiwan and sent onwards to Malaysia (flower themed):

A pretty letter received from Martyna, Poland (seriously, a LONG time ago..) :

And a letter I sent her:

More mail will be up tomorrow! ♥


My First Chaincard's Home!

Hi! I hope you're having a great day! 

Yesterday I posted this on Instagram (↓) with a hashtag "superlatepost" because it's honestly been quite a while since receiving it.. :D However, I'm talking about my very first chain card that started its journey in the middle of November and is now back home! I really like how the card turned out! It traveled all the way from Finland to Scotland, Hong Kong and U.S.A and then back to Finland. :)

And here's a card of another chain card project I'm in at the moment! ↓ The theme is "flowers" and I've now sent it to Japan :)

I've also sent and received a lot of mail, I'll talk about them soon! Love you!

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