
Lovely birthday present / package from Germany *__*

 Today is my birthday and it would be a huge understatement to say I was excited when I saw a package from Daria in my mailbox.. I think enthusiastically hysterical would describe it better. :D Anyway, the package was full of everything I absolutely adore! Thank you, Daria!!

I filmed the whole thing in three pictures! Below you can find more about them..

The first things that came out when I opened the package were a pink bow (I've said I love bows, right? :D) and other little goodies such as stickers and etc inside a cute mini plastic bag! Also some envelopes, lots of tapes (!! <3), paper, mini playing cards, a letter and adorable birthday card. ^^ 

Then there were cute stickers, a postcard, Blippo (love it!) key chain + another key chain, stationery which I love sooo much and some birthday tags inside a pink envelope. :)

And the last thing I got was this pinkish box which was full of glitters and even more deco tape *_*

Oh, and we can't forget the stamps, can we?

Hope your day was as magical as mine! :)


Floral letter from U.S.A

This week my mailbox has been very unhappy, I haven't received any mail... Until today. :)

Look at those stamps!! 

This beautiful floral letter is from Jade, California. I love it, thank you!! 

And I especially adore those Airmail-labels & the green hearts-in-jars washi :3


Spreading happiness!


I've been super happy lately, and to be honest I don't even know the exact reason why. I guess it's just the weather that makes me happy the most. It's so bright and sunny outside (which is insane, it's February!!) and sometimes you can even hear the birds singing. Sounds cliche, I know. :D But also I've been having a great and not-stressful-at-all holiday and I've had a chance to relax and do what want to do. Without having to worry about school. My family and relatives are doing fine. I just can't think of a reason why I shouldn't or couldn't be happy. And, here are so many beautiful reasons to be happy! :)

I hope you'll think about that too. Why shouldn't you be happy? Happiness is a choice, you know. Choose it.

Talking about happiness, I was in very happy mood while writing this letter to Daria, Germany. People should do what they love. And I love making others (and myself at the same time) happy by sending mail. 

Happy (mail) is the keyword of today's post. 

If you haven't smiled yet, do it now. :)

See you next time!!


To China & Austria

Yey I'm finally on holiday and I can focus on the blog a bit more!! :)

So I think it's already safe to post these two letters here because I sent them out about two weeks ago... Hopefully they're already received . :)

This first letter is an intro letter to my new Austrian penpal, Lisa ^^

(Side note: It's been very sunny in here for a few days and that's why I wanted to edit the picture a bit more spring-ish than those other pictures because I edited them on different days.. xD)

And this one is to Shine, China! I sent her some Finnish stamps, a movie ticket and a brochure from Turku Cathedral which I recently visited :)

Happy week for you all, hopefully it's full of mail!!!


Valentine's day!

Happy Valentine's day everyone!!

Yesterday I received one of the cutest mails ever, a Valentine's day card from my 7 years old cousin! I wanted to share it with you because I think it's just too adorable. :3 

The letter is addressed to 'Mellu and Mille' and I couldn't stop smiling when I saw it. Mellu is a stupid nickname that only my cousins call me and Mille is the name of my cat. Also it have been sent from Savonlinna which's short is 'SNL'  instead of 'SLN' which makes it way more adorable. :D 

And this is the card my cousin sent to me and my whole family, I love it! She even used a paper that has Russian text on it to cut the tree out because she knows I like Russian :'D

Hopefully you all have (had) an amazing Valentine's day! :)


Chinese math exam and more.. inside a letter!


Postirintamalla on ollut aika hiljaista viime aikoina..  Toisaalta se on ehkä vain hyvä asia, on voinut keskittyä kunnolla kouluun ja kokeisiin. Toivottavasti hiihtolomaksi tulisi paljon postia! :D

Tällä viikolla mua kuitenkin ilahdutti tämä söpö kirje Shinelta Kiinasta! 

I haven't received much mail lately, but this week I got this sweet letter from Shine which really made my whole week! :)

Kirjeessä oli kiinalainen matikankoe ja 'Lucky money bag', jonka sisältä löytyi ihana kiinalainen seteli. Mun mielestä noi kiinalaiset rahat on tosi kauniita!

There were Chinese math exam and 'Lucky money bag' (with beautiful 5 yuan bill!) inside the blue envelope. Love them :) Thanks!


Snowflakes and colours to U.S.A / Lumihiutaleita ja värejä U.S.A:an

Bonjour! Anteeksi tämä pieni postaustauko, mulla on yllätysyllätys ollut kauheasti koulujuttuja. joiden takia aikaa on riittänyt vaan tosi vähän kaikelle kivalle. :c Viimeisimmän kirjeenkin kirjoitin tuolloin 7.1. ja nyt aion esitellä sen! :) 

Tämä kirje lähti siis jenkkeihin Jadelle, toivottavasti (luultavasti) se on jo ehtinyt perille! Innostuin hiukan koristelemaan :D

//To Jadey, U.S.A

Mukaan lähti myös tällainen Mail Tag!

Tosi energistä alkavaa viikkoa teille kaikille!! Mä olen ollut tämän koko viikonlopun kipeänä, toivottavasti pääsen huomenna kouluun, etten jää jälkeen.. Muistakaa hymyillä! :)

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