

Hello! Tänään on 24. päivä marraskuuta ja se tarkoittaa, että jouluun on VAIN kuukausi aikaa. Siis vain yksi kuukausi!? Ja se taas tarkoittaa, että on aika kertoa blogin joulukalenterista! :D 

 Tänäkin vuonna aion siis väsätä teille rakkaille lukijoille jonkinlaisen joulukalenterin joulukuun iloksi. Tuntuu muuten tosi oudolta, että edellisestä joulukalenterista on jo VUOSI aikaa. O_O Joulukalenteri tarkoittaa sitä, että joka päivä joulukuun ekasta 24:een postailen jotain toivottavasti kivaa ja jouluista, sekä mahdollisuuksien mukaan jotain postiin liittyvää. Mä oon tooosi innoissani tästä! :) 

Sen verran täytyy vielä kertoa, että vaikka yritänkin joka päivä postata jotain, se ei välttämättä aina tule onnistumaan lukiokiireiden takia. :/ Teen kuitenkin parhaani!

Jos teillä on joitain ideoita/toiveita kalenteriin (tai oikeastaan mihin vain) liittyen, niin kertokaa mulle ihmeessä!

Toivottavasti tästä joulukuusta ja joulusta tulee taianomainen kokemus! ^^

Hi guys! I just wanted to tell you about a Christmas calendar I'm going to do for you during the December. I did the same thing last year and I'm super excited to do it again for you! It's ONLY one month to Christmas which is insane, I can't wait!!

The main idea is to try to post something fun and christmassy (<-- is that even a word?) every day from the Dec 1st to the 24th of December. I don't promise to write every post in English (because that's just too impossible because I don't have that much time :c) BUT I promise to write at least a couple of them in English. I'll do my best! 

Do you have any ideas for the calendar? If you do, please let me know in the comments below :)

Oh, I know that some of my readers don't celebrate Christmas so I'm sorry. :/ You can just ignore the whole thing, please! :'D

I wish your December to become one magical month! 


Yllättävä kirje + muuta! / A surprising letter + other stuff!

Hello I haven't posted anything in very long time and I'm so sorry! I've missed ya :') Last week I had an exam week and this week was the first week of the third period so I've been veeery busy. It's been almost hectic to be honest. :c But I'm back guys!! :D I have quite much mail to show you so let's get started with this post...

About a week ago I received some quite surprising mail... I had a Malaysian penpal about two (maybe even three) years ago. At one point, my letters never made it to Malaysia and we ended up sending postcards. About a year ago we weren't sending postcards anymore. I really don't know (or even remember) why it happened. :D At one point I didn't even remember was it my or her turn and it just.. Well, stopped. BUT a few days ago I received a LETTER from her and at first I didn't even realize who it was from. (?) When I found out that it was from my Malaysian penpal De Wenley I was so amazed and excited. I literally smiled hours after receiving that letter! I was so happy and glad because she hadn't forgotten me :)

Just a picture of De Wenley's beautiful writing paper ~ ^^

And this one is a letter I sent to my Chinese penpal Shine. I can't help it but I think it's very cool how the eraser (?) I sent her matches with the writing paper! :'D The envelope is made by me ^^

Oh, and here's the letter I promised to show you in my 2nd last post! It's to Daria, Germany. The little bag which says 'Muumimamman voimajuoma' is a tea bag :)

Bye guys! Have an amazing weekend!! <3


Kiinasta! / From China!

Hello my wonderful readers! Today I received two letters from China and I wanted to show them to you as soon as they arrived! That's why the lightning is very bad.. Winter is coming and there's dark outside basically all the time I'm at home so I can't use the 'real' outdoor light to film my mail (expect in the weekends, when I'm at home when it's still bright outside) :c

Anyways, the white letter is from Xavier and the yellow one is from Shine (both from China ^^). Inside the letter from Xavier were two cute coins and a very cool Chinese bus ticket. Shine's letter was decorated with adorable panda stickers (pure love! <3) and she sent me matching panda postcard.

  Thank you both!! I've already started to write your letters, so stay tuned haha ;D

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