
Matka Kreikkaan / A trip to Greece

I'm travelling to Greece today so, again, I'm offline for a week. I'm not answering to messages or comments or things like that. I'll show some pictures of Kos, Greece, when I get back home. Have a nice Midsummer, everyone!

And for my penpals:
I'll write all letters when I get back home, so you have to wait for awhile... :)

ps. I'm in love with that song! ♥

- pictures from Google -


Paljon postia! / Load of posts!

Tälläinen kasa minua kotona odotti, kun tulin lauantaina rippileiriltä...

That's what was waiting for me when I came back home from Confirmation camp...

Siellä oli kirje Kaliforniasta, tilaamani postimerkit, postikortti Kanadasta, 2 pakettia täältä Suomesta ja kirje Kiinasta.

There were a letter from California, some stamps I ordered, a postcard from Canada, two packages from Finland and a letter from China.

Lähikuvaa postimerkeistä:

A close-up of the stamps:

Kirje Jadelta Kaliforniasta. Ihanan paksu ja monisivuinen kirje synttärikortin, Hello Kitty -laastarien, kankaisen lipun ja (sulaneen :( ) suklaan kera! Tuo suklaa oli jopa pakattu pussiin, mutta oli silti sotkenut ihanan lipun. :/

The letter from Jade, California. She sent me such an amazing letter with a birthday-card, some HK-bandaids, a cute flag and a bar of Hershey's chocolate. The chocolate had, unfortunately, melted even though it was wrapped in a plastic bag. Thanks anyway!!

Ja kirje Xavierilta Kiinasta. Sain häneltä kauniin kirjeen lisäksi myös tuollaisen jännän kynän. :)

And the letter from Xavier, China. He sent me a beautiful letter and a cute pen. :) Thank you!!


Rippileiri / A confirmation camp

This is a quick post about my disappearing from internet for two weeks. I have a confirmation camp. :) I'll show my mail of these two weeks when I get back home.

Btw, I wrote this on my phone, so I'm not sure if this works... :P

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