I'm a big fan of decorating my packages and parcels and letters... I think you all already knew that :D
In this post I want to show you some cool ideas how to decorate your mail. If you are not very into snail mailing, you might still want to send a Christmas gift or something to your friend. If so, this post is definitely for you! And by the way, those pictures are not mine, they're just something I found and wanted to show. :)
![Sometimes Creative: Fun Mail / Packages](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/9b/70/36/9b7036faaa840dbd92d4350d8cdf2f48.jpg)
The original idea was to send candy in mail (just add an address label + stamp and that's it!), but I thought that you can also reuse your candy boxes and use them as a funny package! For a Christmas themed package, use some Christmas candy boxes. Maybe candy canes? :)
(picture from Pinterest)
Using washi tape (or any kind of tape you prefer) is a good and easy way to decorate almost everything!
![Récupère les enveloppes en papier kraft que tu reçois par la poste, découpe l'arrière de l'enveloppe, souvent vierge au format A4, imprime l'adresse de la personne à qui se destine le cadeau + un faux timbre et tampon, ajoute un brin de laine et voilà, un beau paquet cadeau récup' !](http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/22/84/3d/22843db60eafa480a2924187f9933c88.jpg)
(picture from Pinterest)
washi tapes <3 I love it!