Hello again! Here's the part two my traveling montage that I promised to post soon..
This is the 'camp part' of the exchange! We had that 1,5 weeks long Lions Youth Camp with about 20 people from all around the world and I had so much fun with them :)
1. During the first days at the camp we went to see that stadium in Bursa 2. We also did a day trip to Eskisehir and there was this pretty castle 3. "Hey, could you take a picture of me and the water? :D" 4. The view from the castle 5. We also had a little boat trip in beautiful Eskisehir 6. City view ^^ 7. I'm not sure where this picture is from.. But the nights were always very pretty there! 8. We went to a seaside swimming pool on the 2nd camp day which was really nice! 9. More water.. :D
1. Boat trip :) 2. Just a random picture from a bridge in Eskisehir 3. Trojan horse in Canakkale 4. I don't really know how to describe this picture :D 5. TURKEY ♥ 6. Eskisehir city looked very pretty from the hights but not as beautiful as Bursa ;) 7. My name tag, I experienced so much with it :D 8. Evening in Canakkale when trying to find a waffle restaurant 9. Palm trees and taxes, pretty much what symbolizes Turkey for me haha ♥
1. Bowling ♥ 2. Haha, we went to go-karting and I really enjoyed that! 3. The beautiful streets of Istanbul ♥ 4. One day we had this thing where everybody had to write something positive about each person and that's my plate (not ready yet though) :) 5. ♥ 6. Dolmabahçe palace in Istanbul 7. We also went to Hagia Sophia 8. Bosphorus tour in Istanbul, again! :D Those bridges were soo cool *__* 9. Turkish bazaars were so crazy but I loved them a lot!
There will still be a Part Three coming in a few days, stay tuned! ;)
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