
Postia! / Mail!

So I've received and sent a lot of mail during the past two weeks and now I'm going to show you a part of them! :) (I'm writing this post only in English by the way, because I'm too lazy to write in both languages :D) Starting with this letter I received from Olga, Ukraine. I like the envelope!

There were a card and some stickers inside the letter...

...and this little packet too! I'm studying Russian, but I still don't know what is it. :D Hot chocolate I guess?

And here's a letter I sent out few days ago. It's for Jade, California, USA.

 And what was inside the letter :)

This postcard is from Israel! I've never received anything from there so I'm so excited ^^

Love the stamp!

And this little sweetie is from Xinhui, Singapore. You can tell that I was SO EXCITED to receive it. I mean, look at it :D The stamps and everything *_*

But you can probably also tell how excited I was when I opened the letter, haha. So many cute things. ^^  

5 kommenttia:

  1. Oi, tuo Singaporen-kirje on kyllä ihana! ^^

  2. Ihana postaus! :)

    Ja vielä tosta ''kaakao''-jutusta, se on mun mielestä suomennettuna ''maitotiiviste'', ja sitä voi käyttää mm ruuanvalmistuksessa tai laittaa vaikka omenapiirakan päälle :D

    1. Kiitos! Ahaa, okei. Ajattelinkin, että siinä lukee "maito" mutta ajattelin sen olevan maitokaakaota tai jotain :D Kiitos korjauksesta!

  3. Kiitos paljon, Mira! Täytyykin käydä kurkkaamassa :)
